Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Yesterday was the region's hottest day in four years!  No doubt about it. No matter what you are doing inside or outside be aware of your total water intake.  Try to get that suggested "8 glasses of water" a day.  This will certainly double if working outside!  This is especially for children and elderly though the total volume will be less, the regular hydration is the key.

This has nothing to do with feet. But hydration effects all tissues and we loose water from all surface areas. Sunscreen and cream-based lotions (NOT GREASE) remain essential this time of year.

As mentioned before about athlete's feet, Be sure to disinfect all shoes with an agent such as Lysol or alcohol even after washing. 30 minutes in the sunlight on the deck or porch will aid in the destruction of odor producing bacteria and limit fungus growth as well.

Have a safe summer yet.